Periodontal and Restoration Integration in the Aesthetic Treatment of Smile
Periodontic, Gingivoplasty, Dental Aesthetics, SmileAbstract
Objectives: This study aims to present a clinical case with integrated planning between Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, aiming at improving the aesthetics of the smile. Case report: Patient, 21 years old, attended the clinic at Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha – FSG presenting an esthetic complaint in the upper region after completion of orthodontic treatment. On clinical examination, it was observed that the dental shape of the central and lateral incisors and gingival profile could be altered. A joint planning periodontics-dentistry was carried out, with a proposal for gingival repair followed by contouring with composite resins. The waxing of the models with change in the proportion of Height x Tooth Width was performed and a mock up was presented to the patient. After approval, gingival repair procedures and contouring with composite resins were performed. Final Considerations: Rehabilitation treatment associated with gingivoplasty allows for dental and facial aesthetic harmony when an adequate treatment plan is drawn up that aligns periodontal biological principles with restorative principles. Thus, achieving smile harmony raises the patient's self-esteem, aligning aesthetic and functional rehabilitation.
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