Alveolysis in Deciduous Molar Associated with Dental Caries: Case Report
Tooth, Deciduous, Dental Caries, Tooth Injuries, Surgery, OralAbstract
Introduction: Alveolysis is a condition of osseo-gingival pathology, which can occur during the process of rhizolysis. It is characterized by the expulsion of the deciduous element from its alveolus, exposing the dental root in the oral cavity, usually related to dental trauma or chronic infection by dental caries. Objectives: To present a clinical case of alveolysis of the total dehiscence type in a deciduous tooth, in a 9-year-old male patient, seen at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP). Case report: Intraoral clinical examination revealed root exposure of tooth 74, surrounded by slightly edematous and erythematous tissue. The patient had an unsatisfactory oral condition, characterized by generalized caries and provisional restoration. Radiographic examination showed greater root resorption of the mesial root when compared to the distal root, in addition to the permanent successor (tooth 34) in Nölla stage 8. The diagnosis was total dehiscence type alveolysis. The indicated treatment was the exodontia of the affected tooth, performing post-surgical follow-up, regarding the healing process, tissue repair and the complete eruption of its successor. There were no complications during treatment and the post-surgical period was satisfactory. Subsequently, a removable functional space maintainer was made in the lower arch, in order to avoid mesialization of the first lower permanent molars (36 and 46), and consequently loss of space for the eruption of teeth 35 and 45. Conclusion: The clinical protocol adopted was effective, since besides the alveolysis treatment, the child's oral health conditions were reinstated.
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