Use of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) for the Evaluation of Oncological Patients
Depression, Anxiety, Psychological Distress, NeoplasmsAbstract
Introduction: The Depression anxiety and stress scale-21 (DASS-21) assesses symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress; this scale was developed by Lovibond and Lovibond and initially contained 42 questions; the questions were reviewed and currently has 21 questions. When conducting a search in databases such as Pubmed, Science Direct, BVS and PsycINFO, little literature was observed using the Dass-21 scale with cancer patients. Objective: Research was to apply the DASS-21 scale to assess the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in cancer patients and to verify which of these symptoms has the highest prevalence among the participants evaluated by this study. Materials and methods: The scale was applied before antineoplastic treatment in a university clinical research center. This article is a field study, cross-sectional with a sample established by convenience, and the analysis performed on the collected data was descriptive. Results: 94 participants were evaluated, diagnosed with oncological disease. The participants in this research showed more symptoms of anxiety, followed by stress and finally by depression. Conclusion: Based on the research, it can be concluded that the predominant symptom among cancer patients is anxiety, which is a limiting factor for quality of life.
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