Dilute initial dentofacial abscess of buccal space: a technical note


  • Rogerio Henrique Berardi DDS, MSc Program. School of Dentistry. Ibirapuera University (Unib). Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • José Lineu Pereira Ogoshi DDS, MSc Program. School of Dentistry. Ibirapuera University (Unib). Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Fernando Kendi Horikawa DDS,PhD, Associate Surgeon. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Hospital Regional de Osasco “ Dr Vivaldo Martins Simoes” SUS/SP. Osasco, Brazil
  • Plinio Jun Iti Yokoyama DDS, Oral Radiologist. Trainee in OMFS. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Hospital Regional de Osasco “ Dr Vivaldo Martins Simoes” SUS/SP. Osasco, Brazil
  • Iron Ricardo Machado Snidei DDS, MD Head. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Hospital Regional de Osasco “ Dr Vivaldo Martins Simoes” SUS/SP. Osasco, Brazil
  • Elio Hitoshi Shinohara DDS, PhD Assistant Surgeon. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Hospital Regional de Osasco “ Dr Vivaldo Martins Simoes” SUS/SP. Osasco, Brazil




Abscess, Drainage, Infection, Surgery, Oral


The treatment of the dentofacial abscess was always surgical because the evacuation of the purulent collection and removal of the cause are mandatory. Large abscesses, especially those that reach the submandibular space, require laboratory and imaging exams, but small abscesses restricted to the buccal space can be successfully treated by diluting the purulent collection with saline solution using needle and syringe.



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Como Citar

Berardi, R. H., Ogoshi, J. L. P., Horikawa, F. K., Yokoyama, P. J. I., Snidei, I. R. M., & Shinohara, E. H. (2021). Dilute initial dentofacial abscess of buccal space: a technical note. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(6), 979–980. https://doi.org/10.21270/archi.v10i6.5061



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