Perception of the UFCG undergraduate dental students on the dentist's performance in the hospital setting
Dental Care, Dentistry, Intensive Care UnitsAbstract
Introduction: Hospital Dentistry is an area of practice in Dentistry that aims to care for oral changes in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit and hospital wards. Content on Hospital Dentistry has been found to be in need as an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum. Objective: to analyze the knowledge of the students of the Dentistry Course of the Federal University of Campina Grande on the performance of the dentist in the hospital context. Methods: We used a specific questionnaire proposed by Jordão and Brito (2016) regarding the knowledge of undergraduate students about hospital dentistry. The data were organized into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and analyzed under the descriptive technique. Results: The sample consisted of 258 undergraduate dental students, of the total number of academics, 92.24% never had a hospital dental experience. However, 92.24% recognize the importance of a dental surgeon knowing how to attend a hospital. In the opinion of the students, the content related to Hospital Dentistry is lacking in the undergraduate curriculum (42.63%). And most of the students (70.15%) do not feel able to work together with a multiprofessional team in the hospital. Conclusion: It can be observed that graduates of the UFCG dentistry course are aware of the importance of hospital dentistry, but admit that they do not have a good knowledge of the subject and do not feel able to work together with a multiprofessional team in the hospital. Thus, it is necessary that during graduation the future dental surgeon be encouraged and qualified to manage the patient in a hospital environment.
Brasil. Conselho federal de Odontologia. Código de ética odontológico. Disponível
em: Acesso 24 abril 2019
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