Protocols and procedures for different clinical situations of avulsion of permanent teeth


  • Luciana de Oliveira Souza Pedrosa Cirurgiã-dentista graduada pelo Curso de Bacharelado em Odontologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), Centro de Ciências, Tecnologia e Saúde, Campus VIII, 58233 – 000 Araruna – PB, Brasil
  • Adriano Referino da Silva Sobrinho Curso de Bacharelado em Odontologia da Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) campus Arcoverde, 56512-200 Arcoverde-PE, Brasil
  • Renata de Oliveira Cartaxo Curso de Bacharelado em Odontologia da Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) campus Arcoverde, 56512-200 Arcoverde-PE, Brasil



Tooth Injuries, Tooth Avulsion, Tooth Replantation, Clinical Protocols


Introduction: Dental trauma is quite common in emergency dental services. Tooth avulsion, as part of this group of injuries, is quite common in children and young people and its main causes are sports and automobile accidents. The dentist must know the protocols to manage dental avulsion cases, as well as guide patients on how to proceed in these situations. Objective: To perform a literature review on the protocols and procedures in different situations of dental avulsion. Material and method: A search for articles was performed using the descriptors “Dental Avulsion”, “Clinical conduct” and “Dental replantation” in the database of the Virtual Health Library in English and Portuguese, with inclusion criteria as studies that have conducts in the face of situations of avulsion. Results: The treatment of choice for dental avulsion is the replantation of the element. The conditions of storage and time outside the socket are decisive factors in the success of dental replantation and this must be carried out at the accident site. In cases where immediate reimplantation is not possible, the dental element must be placed in an appropriate environment to preserve the pulpal and periodontal ligament vitality. Late replantation may be an alternative for cases where the objective is to preserve the alveolar bone for subsequent dental implantation. Conclusion: The need for discussion on the topic among dental surgeons, health and education professionals is emphasized, in order to disseminate knowledge and contribute to the adoption of better conducts in cases of dental avulsion.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa, L. de O. S., da Silva Sobrinho, A. R., & Cartaxo, R. de O. (2021). Protocols and procedures for different clinical situations of avulsion of permanent teeth. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(6), 1015–1021.



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