Use of the ulectomy technique in Pediatric Dentistry to aid dental eruption: case report


  • Gabriele Ichara Sanches Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, UNAERP.
  • Laura Imbriani Bento Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, UNAERP.
  • Nayara Gonçalves Emerenciano Departamento de Odontologia Preventiva e Restauradora, Faculdade de Odontologia, UNESP Univ. Estadual Paulista.
  • Francyenne Maira Gonçalves Departamento de Odontologia Preventiva e Restauradora, Faculdade de Odontologia, UNESP Univ. Estadual Paulista.
  • Marília Andrade Oliveira Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, UNAERP.
  • Natália Castorino Oliveira Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, UNAERP.
  • Marcelle Danelon São Paulo State University (Unesp), School of Dentistry, Araçatuba Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Public Health



Pediatric Dentistry, Surgery, Oral, Tooth Eruption


Ulectomy is a surgical procedure that consists of removing the tissues that interrupt the tooth eruption. The present study proposes to report a clinical case of ulectomy in a pediatric patient in the tooth 22 region. An 8-year-old male patient attended the Odontopediatrics clinic at the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP) for dental treatment. On intra-oral clinical examination, there was a volumetric increase in the buccal region of tooth 22 that had not yet erupted. The mother reported that the son did not present any type of trauma in that region. After radiographic examination, the presence of tooth 22 was observed, which was in an intraosseous position. Thus, ulectomy was indicated as a form of treatment because it is a simple and minimally invasive procedure. Due to the child not showing good behavior in the face of the clinical and radiographic examination, it was decided to initially perform conditioning sessions so that the surgical procedure could be performed next. After three weeks, surgery was performed. Initially, an elliptical incision was made, where it was possible to visualize the incisal region of tooth 22. Clinical follow-up was performed after 7, 15, 45 and 180 days, and it was possible to observe the eruption of tooth 22. In cases of dental impaction, there is the need to establish a relationship with its etiological factor for correct planning. It is concluded that the treatment provided provided aesthetic and phonetic improvement for the patient, as well as influenced the patient's social life.


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How to Cite

Sanches, G. I., Bento, L. I., Emerenciano, N. G., Gonçalves, F. M., Oliveira, M. A., Oliveira, N. C., & Danelon, M. (2021). Use of the ulectomy technique in Pediatric Dentistry to aid dental eruption: case report. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(5), 829–833.



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