Prevalência das alterações sistêmicas dos pacientes atendidos pela Clínica de Odontologia do Centro Universitário Ruy Barbosa
Disease, Comorbidity, Epidemiology, Dental CareAbstract
Medical complications may occur during dental care, patients with systemic alterations are the most prone to this occurrence, so they require a special care by the dentist. Objective: To evaluate the profile of the systemic conditions of the patients attended at the Dentistry Clinic of the University Center Ruy Barbosa. Methodology: A survey was carried out of the patients attended at the Deny Clinic of the University Center Ruy Barbosa - Wyden in the period of 2016.2-2019.1. The data were collected from the medical records of patients who underwent care in the Faculty and were originally filled by the undergraduate students of this institution, totaling 719 medical records. Incorrectly completed or incomplete records were counted as incomplete. The results were analyzed descriptively, by percentage in the presence of systemic alterations of the patients found in the medical record. Results: The most prevalent systemic conditions were hypertension with 81 (27.55%) cases, followed by anemia with 69 (23.55%) cases, drug allergy with 41 (17.9%) cases, diabetes and coagulopathy with 29 (9.9%) cases each found. Conclusion: The most prevalent changes were hypertension, anemia, drug allergy and diabetes, thus predominating in women and in the age group between 40 and 49 years. It is the fundamental importance the careful evaluation of the patients during the dental consultation to identify possible problems that may alter the treatment plan.
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