Management of Dental Substrate Changes in Aesthetic Smile Rehabilitation: Cases Report


  • Rani Cunha Moretti Curso de Especialização em Dentística, Senac, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial, 01102-000 São Paulo- SP, Brasil
  • Luiz Evandro Desideri Grangeiro Junior Curso de Especialização em Dentística, Senac, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial, 01102-000 São Paulo- SP, Brasil
  • Carlos Martins Agra Curso de Especialização em Dentística, Senac, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial, 01102-000 São Paulo- SP, Brasil



Dentistry, Operative, Dental Porcelain, Ceramics, Dental Esthetics


The aesthetics of the smile is a key point in current dentistry and has been increasingly sought after. In this sense, it is necessary that the dentist is increasingly engaged with the knowledge and techniques necessary to obtain aesthetics. The present study aimed to present the management of dental substrate color changes in two different clinical situations. In the first clinical case, the aesthetics of tooth 21 was restored by installing a fiberglass pin and making a lithium disilicate crown. In the second clinical case, a conservative preparation was performed on tooth 12 and a laminated veneer in lithium disilicate was made. Regardless of the types of preparation performed on the dental remnant found in each case, it was possible to manage the darkened color presented by the substrate and thus recover the aesthetics and function in both.


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How to Cite

Moretti, R. C., Grangeiro Junior, L. E. D., & Agra, C. M. (2021). Management of Dental Substrate Changes in Aesthetic Smile Rehabilitation: Cases Report. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 11(3), 445–449.



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