Temporomandibular dysfunction and sleep: integrative literature review
Temporomandibular Joint, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Sleep, Sleep Bruxism, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.Abstract
Introduction: Recent studies indicate that there is an association between sleep quality and temporomandibular disorders (TMD), emphasizing that these two changes significantly influence the quality of life of individuals. Objective: To investigate whether there is a relationship between TMD and aspects of sleep. Method: The present study was carried out through a bibliographic review referring to the areas of TMD and sleep, specifying on sleep quality. The proposal was carried out through research at Lilacs, Pubmed, repository of theses, including texts in Portuguese, Spanish and English, directly related to the topic and without limit on the publication dates. Results: 19 articles were selected and analyzed, whose authors pointed out that the relationship between TMD and sleep quality, polysomnographic parameters, harmful oral habits and sleep complaints. The findings of these studies showed that poor sleep quality may be mainly related to anxiety, depression and stress. It is also unrelated to the sleep stages or the sex of the participants. Conclusion: it was observed that for both the pediatric and adult population, there was evidence of an association between TMD and the occurrence of bruxism, changes in sleep quality and polysomnographic parameters.
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