Prevalence and associated factors of sexual dysfunction in women after mastectomy: a cross-sectional study


  • Caroline Mendes dos Santos Universidade Cesumar (UniCesumar), 87050-900 Maringá - PR, Brasil
  • Gisely Fernandes da Silva Universidade Cesumar (UniCesumar), 87050-900 Maringá - PR, Brasil
  • Mateus Dias Antunes Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Departamento de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Ocupacional FM/MFT, 05360-160 São Paulo – SP, Brasil
  • Michelle Cardoso Machado dos Santos 1Universidade Cesumar (UniCesumar), 87050-900 Maringá - PR, Brasil
  • Paulo Tsuneta Universidade Cesumar (UniCesumar), 87050-900 Maringá - PR, Brasil
  • Kelley Cristina Coelho Universidade Cesumar (UniCesumar), 87050-900 Maringá - PR, Brasil



Breast Cancer, Women's Health, Health Promotion


Breast cancer is one of the most common tumors among women, causing cardiovascular, motor and sexual disorders. The objective of the study was to identify the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in mastectomized women and to analyze the correlation between the domains of sexual response in the phases of female sexual response. This is a cross-sectional study with 54 women who underwent mastectomy surgery aged 30 to 59 years. To evaluate sexual dysfunction, the Female Sexual Function Index instrument was used. It was possible to verify that the prevalence of sexual dysfunction among mastectomized women was 77.7%. The phases of sexual response that were significantly affected were: arousal (r = 0.86), lubrication (r = 0.80), orgasm (r = 0.86), satisfaction (r = 0.81), pain (r = 0.80) and the first phase of the sexual response, which is desire (r = 0.41), presented a moderate correlation. Regarding sexual performance, no woman had an excellent performance, only 12 had a good result and 42 had a bad result. There was a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction among mastectomized women, with changes in aspects related to arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and pain. We suggest, therefore, that further studies addressing this theme should be carried out, to elucidate the relationship between the domains of sexual response and sexual dysfunction in women undergoing mastectomy. The importance of promoting health promotion strategies, actions and interventions for mastectomized women in the context of interdisciplinarity is evident.


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How to Cite

Mendes dos Santos, C. ., Silva, G. . F. da ., Antunes, M. D., Santos, M. C. M. dos, Tsuneta, P. ., & Coelho, K. C. (2021). Prevalence and associated factors of sexual dysfunction in women after mastectomy: a cross-sectional study. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(5), 813–817.



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