Guided bone regeneration in the aesthetic region of the jaw: case report
Osseointegration, Bone Transplantation, Biocompatible BiomaterialsAbstract
Introduction: Rehabilitation with implants is not always possible due to the lack of sufficient bone in the alveolar edges, which ends up being a major problem in the aesthetic-functional recovery of patients. Given this, Guided Bone Regeneration appears as a great technique to provide increased bone volume and allow the installation of implants. Objective: To describe a case report of a surgery using Guided Bone Regeneration with a heterogeneous bovine bone graft and the aid of an absorbable membrane for subsequent implant placement Materials and methods: To assess the bone thickness gain obtained with this technique, we compared the cone beam computed tomography performed before and after 6 months of the procedure of rehabilitation with four implants. Results: In the tomographic evaluation, there was an increase in bone thickness in the region ranging from 1.5mm to 4mm in certain areas, enabling rehabilitation with dental implants. Conclusion: The heterogeneous bovine graft used with the Guided Bone Regeneration technique has shown a great capacity to promote bone augmentation, in addition to presenting a degree of resorption within the limits for implant installation. In addition, this type of graft brings greater comfort to the patient, since it eliminates the need for a second surgical act, being, therefore, another treatment option in cases of horizontal bone defects in the anterior region of the maxilla.
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