Coronectomy: a Conservative Technique - Literature Review
Molar, Third, Surgery, Oral;, Mandibular Nerve, ParesthesiaAbstract
Exodontia of teeth close to vital structures is daily present in dental offices increasing the levels of complexity, leading to postoperative complications. The lower third molars are the teeth with higher incidence of inclusion and/or impaction, causing an increase in the difficulty of their removal and higher rates of associated complications. In the vast majority of cases, postoperative complications are caused by root contact with the lower alveolar nerve, causing changes in sensitivity (paresthesias), temporary or permanent. To reduce complications during surgical approaches, the technique of coronectomy (Intentional Partial Dontectomy) was described, also called "root burial". The aim of this study was to present a review of the literature highlighting the importance of performing the coronectomy. To complement the search, searches were performed in the electronic databases Google Academic, PubMed, VHL and SciELO, using the descriptors "Coronectomy", "Intentional Partial Dontectomy" and "Coronectomy for third molar removal", related to the English and Portuguese languages between 2000 and 2019. It is concluded that coronectomy is a conservative and alternative technique to be used in surgical procedures with risks of involvement of the lower alveolar nerve.
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