Infecção Odontogênica para Espaço Fascial Primário – Relato de Caso
Focal Dental Infection, Oral Surgery, AbscessAbstract
Odontogenic infections originate from periapical contamination, periodontal pockets or pericoronary follicles. Clinically, patients usually present localized volume increase, pain, heat and redness in the region and loss of function. When not treated early, they can progress to more severe conditions, affect secondary fascial spaces and even lead to sepsis. This article reports a clinical case of a 27-year-old male patient, referenced to the Buco-Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Traumatology Service of the Hospital Universitário Maria Aparecida Pedrossian, in Campo Grande, presenting a volumetric increase in the left mandibular region, trismus, heat and flushing locally. After admission and evaluation by the team, the patient was diagnosed with an odontogenic infection originating in the pericoronary cap of element 38. Drainage and installation of an extraoral drain was performed and in a second surgical procedure, extraction of element 38 was performed. Showed satisfactory recovery, which shows that the early diagnosis and the immediate beginning of the treatment of the infection were fundamentals factors for the therapeutic success. In addition, the removal of the cause is the primary factor for the success of the case, being essential for the improvement of the patient.
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