The Humanization of Care in Hemodialysis
Humanization of Assistance, Nursing Care, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic, Hemodialysis Units, HospitalAbstract
Changes in dietary patterns associated with reduced physical activity and demographic changes are directly related to the constant increase in the rate of chronic diseases, of which Chronic Kidney Disease stands out with an important worldwide incidence. In Brazil, this disease has increased considerably and it is estimated that there are, per year, 42,500 new cases of carriers, with a tendency to increase. Due to the increase in the number of patients on dialysis and their frequent contact with health professionals, it is necessary to humanize this process, providing care for the patient and their families, through health promotion actions combined with the collective construction of a network. with multidisciplinary teams. Objective: to conduct a literature review on the importance of humanization of nursing with patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment, demonstrating the importance of welcoming with patients with kidney disease. Methods: qualitative literature review, which analyzed works in Portuguese and English, inserted in the bibliographic databases of international PubMed and Science Direct, and national BVS, Scielo and LILACS databases, with publication date of the articles used prioritized in the last ten years . Result: Hemodialysis patients require humanization of nursing care to promote well-being and prolong survival with quality, in addition to contributing to a pleasant routine during treatment. Conclusion: A patient with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis treatment needs humanized care, provided by professionals through the interpersonal relationship between patient and team, focusing on respect, attention, patience and specialized care.
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