Most Popular Gnathic Bones Injuries Diagnosed by Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Laboratory of Universidade do Estado do Amazonas between 2012 and 2018
Patology, Oral, Diagnosis, Oral, Jaw Diseases, Mouth DiseasesAbstract
Introduction: The gnathic bones sustain the teeth by alveolar bone and are in constant physiological adaptation in the oral environment. This dynamic with histological, functional and anatomical complex provides the ability to develop several pathologies to these bones, whose diagnosis is responsibility of dental surgeon. Objective: Recognize the most popular gnathic bones injuries which are diagnosed by Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Laboratory of Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (SEPAT/UEA), a renowned public service in state. Material and Method: An epidemiological quantitative analytics research was conducted which analyzed reports issued between 2012 and 2018 by SEPAT/UEA, data about pathology an groups of pathologies, age, gender, location were collected and organized in tables and graphs. Results: Cysts represented 35,35% of cases, pulp and periapical pathologies 33,77% and odontogenic tumors 18,73%. Mandible was more affected (57%), preference for female gender (55,58%) and the most affected age group was 18 to 39 years old (36,47%) Conclusion: Clinical correlations are needed to pathologist give an accurate diagnosis, because some injuries are almost identical, nevertheless noting the results it was possible to perceive ever with peculiarities, the State follows the others in Brazil, changing the order in ranking.
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