Local Anaesthetics Utilization in Dental Treatment in Patients with Special Conditions
Local Anaesthetics, Dentistry, Dental Assistence, PharmacologyAbstract
Introduction: The local anaesthetics are widely employed in the dental practice, having the purpose of supressing the painful symptomatology from patients submitted to critical and invasive procedures. Yet, countless patients are carriers of systemic conditions whom may interfere in the use of said drugs, being fundamental for the dental surgeon know the pharmacological composition, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of each local anaesthetics, as well as be aware of the condition presented by each individual. Purpose: Conduct a literature review on the the utilization of local anaesthetics in dental treatment of patients bearers of special conditions. Methodology: It’s focused on a narrative bibliographic review, with documental and observational approach. The database for the literature research were PudMED, SCIELO, LILACS and Google Scholar. The keywords used were “local anaesthetics”, “dental assistence”, “pregnants”, “dental assistence for children”, “dental assistence for chronically ill” and “dental assistence for elderly people”. Discussion: according to chemical nature, the local anasthetics can be grouped in the class of esters and amides. Within the existing local anaesthetics, procaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine, articaine and mepivacaine can be mentioned. This diversity in anaesthetics may arise queries within the dental surgeons in respect of chosing the anaesthetics salt and the vasoconstrictor used during the dental treatment, specially involving patients with special needs. Conclusion: It’s necessary for the dental surgeon seek to carry out a correct anamnesis, considering the systemics characteristics of the patient and the pharmacological individualities of the local anaesthethics, in order to bring foward the best conduct during the dental service.
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