Knowledge of Patients in Oncological Treatment on Oral Health
Cancer, Chemotherapy, Oral Health, PreventionAbstract
Introduction: Patients undergoing cancer treatment are subject to developing possible oral complications, which compromise the health and function of the oral cavity. This is due to the destruction caused by antitumor therapy (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) and is not limited only to neoplastic cells, but also impacts normal cells, especially those that are constantly renewed. The main complications caused by oncological treatment in the oral cavity are mucositis, xerostomia, gingival hemorrhages, loss of taste, lockjaw and osteoradionecrosis. Objective: Was to evaluate the level of oral health information on patients with neoplasms. Material and method: Interviewed 100 patients, treated at the oncology clinic of the Regional Hospital of Vale do Paraíba. Results: When asked about the last dental appointment, less than half (45%) reported one in the last 12 months, 42% used devices for hygiene related to oral health. Conclusion: There is still a great lack of knowledge of patients regarding oral cancer health and the follow-up of the dentist to the cancer patient.
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