Obesity, Herbal Medicines, Modeling MassageAbstract
Phytotherapy has relevance in therapeutic practice due to its low cost, effectiveness and fewer adverse effects. Many women seek treatments for obesity and, most of the time, opt for slimming drugs and thus end up self-medicating, dieting on their own, without consulting the appropriate professionals. The present study evaluated the effects of using the phytotherapic Pholia negra (Ilex paraguariensis) combined with modeling massage in women with obesity. It was a descriptive, exploratory, prospective research with a quantitative and qualitative approach, with non-probabilistic convenience sampling, whose population was composed of obese women, accounting for the participation of 10 individuals. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Faculdades Nova Esperança - FACENE/FAMENE, with opinion number 5,101,462. The study showed that 90% of women are married, 50% are aged between 25 and 35 years. After the proposed treatment, 2 participants were no longer overweight (BMI 22.1 kg/m² and BMI 22.7 kg/m²) and 4 women were no longer obese and are now overweight (BMI 26.8 kg/m², BMI 29.4 kg/m², BMI 28.3 kg/m² and BMI 26.4 kg/m²). There was a significant reduction in abdominal circumference in all women, with 4 of them (40%) having an abdominal circumference below 80 cm, which is recommended by the WHO. During the clinical evaluations, information on the risks of indiscriminate use of herbal medicines and self-medication was clarified, verifying the need for policies to guide safe use and to promote awareness of the risks inherent to medicines. Therefore, the importance of pharmaceutical care is emphasized, in order to guarantee quality and safety in relation to the use of herbal medicine, to obtain weight loss in a healthy way.
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