Knowledge of Natural Products in the Practice of Medicine Students


  • Amanda da Costa Silveira-Sabba Professora Doutora, DMCF - Departamento de Morfologia e Ciências Fisiológicas, Campus VIII - Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Hugo Gomes Soares Graduação em Medicina, Campus VIII - Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Karem Vitoria Reis Mendes Graduação em Medicina, Campus VIII - Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Vinícius Emanuel Carvalho Milhomem Graduação em Medicina, Campus VIII - Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Clara Maria Vitória Araújo Graduação em Medicina, Campus VIII - Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Thiago Cardoso Vianna Mestrando, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia e Pesquisa Experimental (PPGCIPE), Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS), Campus VIII - Universidade Estadual do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil



Plants, Medicinal, Phytotherapy, Complementary Therapies, Apitherapy, Integrality in Health


The objective of this study was to analyze the knowledge and experiences regarding the subject and use of herbal medicines, medicinal plants and natural products in the practice of medical students at a university in the Amazon region. The descriptive and exploratory research was carried out and developed in a university institution through questionnaires sent to academics via the Google Forms platform. The information was collected with questions regarding sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge and practices regarding herbal medicines, medicinal plants and natural products. The results, after 6 months of sending the questionnaires, were obtained with the participation of 45 students, 29 women (64.4%) and 16 men (35.6%), aged between 18 and 37 years old, from the 1st to the 10th graduation period. Regarding the concept of phytotherapy, medicinal plants and natural products, 83% of those interviewed responded that they knew the concepts and believed in the therapeutic effect of these products, and it was possible to observe that the majority knew the main characteristics of Honey, Aloe Vera, Propolis and Mint. Considering whether students obtained information and studied the topic at graduation, only 60% responded positively, but 97.7% consider it important for a doctor to have knowledge about indications, dosage, adverse effects and drug interactions. Regarding use, 75.6% responded that they use it (20% frequently and 55.6% use it rarely) and regarding use by a family member, the statement of use was 93.3%. It is concluded that medical students understand knowledge and the importance of knowledge about natural products, highlighting the report of personal and family use, however, there is a need to disseminate knowledge about this topic, with the aim of greater information for students who will be future health professionals, in order to enable safer future therapeutic treatment alternatives.


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How to Cite

Silveira-Sabba, A. da C., Soares, H. G., Mendes, K. V. R., Milhomem, V. E. C., Araújo, C. M. V., & Vianna, T. C. (2023). Knowledge of Natural Products in the Practice of Medicine Students. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 12(10), 1979–1984.



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