Techniques used to perform conventional mucosupported prosthetic devices


  • Vandre Taumaturgo Mesquita Doutorando em Odontologia UFPE-PE, Presidente do GEPROI- Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Reabilitação Oral
  • Evamiris França Landim Vasques Doutora em Odontologia UNICSUL-SP, Professora Adjunta Unileão-CE
  • Lucas Brito Matias Graduando na UFCG, Diretor Administrativo do GEPROI- Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Reabilitação Oral
  • Taciana França Landim Especialista em Endodontia UFC-CE
  • Ronaldo Oliveira Almeida Especialista em Prótese Dentária POSDOC-PI



Dental Prosthesis, Denture, Complete, Mouth Rehabilitation


Prosthetic rehabilitation is extremely important for the emotional and social balance of edentulous patients. This type of rehabilitation aims to allow the satisfactory development of functional activities related to the stomatognathic system, such as phonation and chewing, and to offer comfort and an acceptable aesthetic appearance. In order to achieve success in treatment, a complete diagnosis and planning of the clinical and laboratory phases is necessary, together with the patient's expectations. This study aimed to review in the literature the scientific basis for making complete dentures conventionally, following a standardized sequence of all clinical and laboratory phases, and in a simplified way, not performing some steps without interfering with the result, in order to reduce treatment costs and time. It is concluded that both techniques provide good quality and have a similar performance in relation to chewing and patient satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Mesquita, V. T., Vasques, E. F. L., Matias, L. B., Landim, T. F., & Almeida, R. O. (2021). Techniques used to perform conventional mucosupported prosthetic devices. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(6), 928–933.



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