Análisis de la dificultad de los estudiantes de graduación frente a los procedimientos clínicos de periodoncia


  • Kamila Fabro de Lima Graduada do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha – FS, 95020-472 Caxias do Sul – RS, Brasil
  • Douglas Ferla Graduado do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha – FS, 95020-472 Caxias do Sul – RS, Brasil
  • Juliane Pereira Butze Doutora em Periodontia, Professora do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha – FSG, 95020-472 Caxias do Sul – RS, Brasil



Dentistry, Teaching, Periodontics


Objectives: This study assessed the main difficulties reported by final year students of the University of Serra Gaúcha (FSG), Dentistry Faculty during the implementation of basic periodontal procedures. Materials and Methods: We applied to the participants a structured questionnaire with 14 objective questions that addressed relevant steps of basic periodontal treatment. The degree of difficulty was evaluated by Likert scale 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = high and 4 = very high. For the data analysis, the degree of difficulty was dichotomized in any mild, moderate, and high and very high. Results: The study included 46 students enrolled in the last semester of Dentistry Faculty of the University of Serra Gaúcha (FSG). Marking the clinical attachment loss (CAL) was the procedure described as High / Very High difficulty by students, followed by moderate difficulty procedures. However, anesthetize and diagnosing gingivitis were the only procedures reported by all students (100%) as performed having no difficulty. Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that periodontal procedures reported as the greatest difficulties by students of Dentistry faculty of the University of Serra Gaúcha (FSG), are the periodontitis diagnostic procedures and displaying the clinical attachment loss.


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How to Cite

Lima, K. F. de, Ferla, D., & Butze, J. P. (2021). Análisis de la dificultad de los estudiantes de graduación frente a los procedimientos clínicos de periodoncia. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(6), 956–959.



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