Sleep quality and associated factors in medical students: integrative review
Sono. Distúrbios. Estudantes. Medicina.Abstract
Introduction: Sleep is classified as a state of consciousness complementary to the waking state, however, this review brings that in the academic context, which is constantly stressed, medical students are a class visibly affected by sleep disorders. These have the same negative consequences on your academic performance. Objective: The present work proposes to make an integrative review to outline the profile of undergraduate medical students, regarding the poor quality of sleep and to verify the relationship with the main influencing factors. Methods: This is an integrative review of the literature, which used the following keywords "medical student", "sleep" and "depression", their corresponding in English. Only studies with higher education students in the medical course in the last 10 years were included. Articles and gray literature from observational studies, consulted since 2000, were included, and the exclusion criteria are based on experimental, descriptive and review studies. Results: 100% of the studies aimed to talk about the quality of sleep and its influencing factors specifically in medical students, so through this review it is noticed that the self-charging performed by medical students leads to sleep disorders in these, being whereas, the use of substances / drugs are the main factors that directly influence the quality of sleep of university students 32% (n = 9), followed by excessive daytime sleepiness 25% (n = 7) and general psychiatric disorders 21% (n = 6). Final considerations: Medical students are part of a group susceptible to sleep disorders, due to the full-time curriculum load, extracurricular activities and strong pressure and stress, with high performance and time demanded in studies.
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