Uso de Pilar Cimentável Friccional Reversível e Tecnologia Digital na Maximização de Resultados Clínicos em Prótese sobre Implante – Relato de Caso
Dental Implantation, Dental Prosthesis, Dental Prosthesis RetentionAbstract
This case report illustrates the flow of a clinical situation in implantology with emphasis using frictional cementless reversible cylinder that possess reversibility and using digital methodology to fabrication of prosthetic restoration. Patient W.S., leukoderma, 72 years-old, looked for treatment cause by loss of teeth #15. Initial examination and complementary exams demonstrated no bone available for implant placement and so was submitted to sinus lift graft technique and posterior placement of frictional morse taper implant after 9 months. It was fabricated provisional restoration using reversible cementless cylinder and final restoration of multilayer zirconium crown. This provisional cylinder easily allowed removal of provisional restoration for fabrication of final restoration with no risk of abutment movement. The use of intraoral scanner allowed agility and easily flow of technique for fabrication of both provisional and final restorations.
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